
The company Ty-net was founded in 1990 as a Limited Liability Company. Since its establishment the company has dealt in designing and implementation of data and voice communication networks and data center infrastructure. Since beginning we also specialize in design and delivery of bearing elements and cable routing for power, data and signaling systems. In the recent years we also focus on the design and delivery of energy efficient systems to lower the power consumption in office buildings and data centers.


Ty-net spol. s.r.o
DIČ CZ00206750
Company email: market@tynet.cz
Bratří Čapků 1845/15
101 00 Prague 10 - Vinohrady
Czech Republic
Phone +420 222 111 321
Site of Slatina a.s. Budova D,
Tuřanka 115, 627 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Phone +420 547 422 311

TY-NET © 2015